Wednesday Wisdom | She is at a place in her life where peace is her priority and negativity cannot exist.

If you told me how small my immediate circle would be two years ago, I wouldn’t have believed you. Surely all of these people will be with me through the best + worst of times. Of course I’d never doubt a friendship. With less than two months until 28, I’m acutely aware of how inaccurate these things I thought without them ever having crossed my mind are. Sometimes people you think are your friends walk away. Sometimes people you think are your friends tear you down + try to make you feel awful about yourself. I gotta tell you, friends. Life is very, very short + the world can be an ugly place. Surrounding yourself with people who help you be better in a positive way. I’ve learned that people will call themselves your friends + try to make you as miserable as they are. They’re not worth it. Peace is a valuable thing to have + it’s too expensive to waste on people who’d give their left arm to see you lose yours. Cleaning is not just for spring + it’s not just for your house, it’s for your life as well. Quality, peace increasing people, pastimes + places are essential for living your happiest life.


  1. Olivia

    July 11, 2018 at 9:35 am

    I love this! It’s crazy how life changes. I think it’s great you can look back now and realize you are in a better place.

  2. Nina

    July 15, 2018 at 5:57 pm

    This is such sound advice Chica! I’m so glad to know you’re one of these people for me. You’re one of the most loyal and thoughtful people I know. Love this post! 💕

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