Chellie’s Beach Reads 2018

It’s the end of June + I’ve only been to the beach four times this year + only half of those times were in Chicago. If my weekends ever slow down, you’ll find me on the beach in this chair, floppy hat on my head + a book in my hand. If I can’t make it to the beach, I’ll be in my backyard, in my bathtub or on the couch reading. I’ve got a list I’m waiting to be returned to the library that I thought I’d share with you! If you’re interested in any of these titles, click the image to purchase!

Unbelievable: My Front Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in History

Katy Tur

I’ll be honest, this is a bit of a cheat. I actually read this this spring but I’ll be stealing it back from my parents to read again. If you’re at all invested or interested in our political climate, I highly recommend this book. Most people know I am not a Trump fan + this was a very interesting read.

Where’d You Go, Bernadette?

Maria Semple

This one is also a cheat. I have read this one already, but that was five years ago. When I was teaching, this was the first book for our faculty + staff book club + I fell in love with it. Can’t wait to read it again!


Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn

I saw this movie a few years ago on one of my “take myself on a date to the movies” days  a few years ago + this book has been on my mind ever since.



Corinne Sullivan

This is one of those “I wouldn’t touch it if I were still teaching + everyone could see me” things. Because as we all know, perception is reality. But this book is about a first year teacher at an all boys boarding school + you can imagine where it goes from there. I’ve been told that this book is very entertaining + tackles issues of morality, sexuality, class warfare, and gender. Sounds like my kind of book.

The Freedom Writers Diary

Erin Gruwell

With as much as I love the movie, I’m amazed I haven’t read this book yet. But when a friend was downsizing her book collection + posted quite the substantial list of books she was giving away or donating, I couldn’t pass up the chance to get my hands on this one. This is the kind of teacher I wanted to be, but life had other plans. I can’t wait to open this one.

People Like Us

Dana Mele

Yes, this is a young adult book but from the reviews I’ve read, it’s like Gossip Girl meets Pretty Little Liars which is right up my alley. Also, if you haven’t read the Pretty Little Liars series, it’s miles better than the show! Much trippier + much more intense.

When Life Gives You Lululemons

Lauren Weisberger

This is a sequel to Devil Wears Prada about Miranda’s first assistant Emily, you know the one who gets hit by a car + doesn’t get to go to Paris.  She leaves NYC to become an image consultant in Connecticut. Another book that’s perfect for me.


So I’ll just be here with my beachbag for the rest of the day lost in a book! Let me know what ‘s on your reading list this summer!


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  1. Kathy Mundo

    June 23, 2018 at 9:36 pm

    Will take your suggestions to heart.

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