Wednesday Wisdom | There’s a Blessing In Every Storm

Four years ago I was offered what was once my dream job: working in campus ministry at an all women’s Catholic high school. I’d teach one section of theology + be responsible for the retreats, masses + service opportunities for the students. But unfortunately, someone I once considered a friend had that opportunity taken from me + it destroyed me for a very long time. This person made it so that if I wanted a job in my field, I’d have to leave home to find it. But unlike this person, I would never drag their name through the mud or attack them professionally as they did to me. I just had to find a new way to make my dreams come true.

Today I’m almost ready to celebrate three years at a company that I’ve gained so much by working for. Who I am today is not the same girl who walked in tentatively for an interview in early August of 2015. I knew nothing about insurance + didn’t know how I’d land this job or what I could offer. Working here has been one of the best things to happen to me. I’m so much happier than I was teaching. I’ve had the freedom to be myself, desk pompoms + all, at work + I’ve been able to do so much for myself because I’m not stressing about finding a job or money (as much–ya girl is still on a budget!).  My boss + I recently talked about how much I’ve grown since starting here. I used to have a meltdown a week from stress as I was behind the eight ball all the time as I learned + adjusted to the tasks assigned to me. We noticed that it had been a long time since I’ve had a formal meltdown   I’ve been to Florida 14 times, LA three times, New Orleans twice, Boston, Abu Dhabi, DC + I just booked my second trip to NYC this year. So many things I couldn’t have done if I were still fighting for my own dream.

As terrible as it was, I’m grateful for the storm. I don’t think I’d have ever found this happy if not for it.
