Monday Must-Haves | Snack Attack

I never imagined that a Monday Must-Have post would be food related but here we are. Smack dab in the middle of my Monday + a pile of work to do, I found myself in dire need of a snack. Typically I’ll reach for a bag of Goldfish, a 100 calorie bag of Skinny Pop or, if it’s a rough day, my sea salt + black pepper Kettle Brand chips. But recently I discovered the king of healthy x tasty snacks, the RXBAR.

My new favorite go-to snack!

RXBARs first crossed my radar a couple of months ago via the Instagram story of a Fitsta woman I follow. I shouldn’t just call her a Fitsta woman, I know her. Or well I did. We went to school together when we were kids. We were never friends, but I appreciate her fitness journey so I follow her. Anyway, as many Fitsta individuals do, she posted her grocery haul, including several different bars. I noticed (+ appreciated) the minimalist + to-the-point packaging but was sure she’d gotten it at some expensive nutrition store, so I put them out of my mind. A few weeks later, a friend of mine posted a picture of the snacks she was packing for a trip + I noticed she, too, had accessed the RXBARs. I know where she shops so surely I, too, could find the elusive RXBARs along one of the aisles of one of my local grocery stores.

And then I forgot I bought them…They flew to DC with me in my duffle bag + flew right back home unopened. Fast forward to my first day back at work after my trip, 10:00 AM rolls around + that all-too-familiar tummy rumble starts. Luckily I’d brought my black + white RXBARs to work. As I opened the box, I noticed the flavor…chocolate sea salt. My heart sank. I was sure I’d wasted $6.99 on these four bars as they were sure to taste awful to me. Betrayed by the impulse buy… BUT I learned from my Grammie that one should not say they don’t like something until they’ve tried it. So there went nothing…

And much to my excited surprise, the bar was AMAZING. Over the next three days, I ate the remaining three bars when those tummy rumbles surfaced. It’s rare I find chocolate I enjoy anymore. But it’s like eating a brownie but with a ton of protein. Plus they’re headquartered in Chicago. They may be a big business, but they’re still local + I’m all about local.

Normally I don’t tell people what to do because I certainly don’t like being told what to do by people who don’t pay my bills, but you HAVE to try these. You can find them at Target, RXBAR’s website + Amazon. They’re on the pricier side, I’ll be the first to admit that, but I can pronounce every ingredient on the list + watching out for processed foods is very important to me. Happy snacking!
