2019: The Chellie Project

Happy New Year, friends! I hope your holidays, whatever you celebrate, were restful, full of time with loved ones + great food. That’s exactly what mine was! My sister came home for a few days, I spent four days Christmas-ing in a row and wore pajamas to my aunt’s New Year’s Eve party. It was perfect.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I made a New Year’s resolution, but this year I did decide to set some intentions for the year after being inspired by my friend Olivia’s (of The Lovely Twist) New Year’s goals Instagram post. I’d make these grand plans that were unrealistic or silly or would encourage me to be someone I’m not + on my quest to be my most authentic self, I see no point in deviating from my core. But even on New Year’s Day when one of my best friends asked me if I had any resolutions, I jokingly said: “Nope! New year, same me. I’m amazing!”

That’s not to say I don’t have room to grow. I totally do! But as New Year’s Day + the next went on, I started to think about some goals for the year. “Maybe there are a couple of fun things I can focus on this year?” I thought. By the end of the week I had a semi-serious, semi-funny list for 2019 that lists challenges that are realistic, will help improve my own well-being + are still light hearted. So, a little late, here are the plans for this year’s “The Chellie Project:

  1. Learn to say “no” instead of spreading myself too thin.
  2. Visit five new cities.
  3. Drink more water.
  4. Avoid men.
  5. Nothing else. I’m amazing!

The last two years, I have spent so much energy trying to “make it work,” spreading myself so thin, always running + being a zombie of myself all the time. It’s exhausting. I tell my friends all the time that you can’t serve from an empty vessel + it’s time I start taking my own advice. I’ve already said “no” to three events so far + I’m really proud of myself for that.

I’ve already picked my new cities! Trying to see more of each coast since I’ve only really seen LA + the cruise port in Miami as my furthest east + west points. This year I’m hoping to see Providence, Charleston, Seattle, San Francisco + Portland. If you have any recommendations, send them my way! I have dates but not itineraries picked out so I welcome suggestions.

Is there a maximum amount of water you can drink? I’m kidding. I know overhydration is a thing, But my water intake has really slowed over the last few months + it’s time to pick it back up. I find it easier at work but I’m still not drinking enough. Lemon water, cucumber water, I’m coming for you!

Avoid men–that’s what I’ve been doing for a while but I’m resolving to continue doing that. The last situationship I was in was with a gaslighting mess + I refuse to put myself in that situation again. I’ve organized my chaos in such a way that it works so something pretty spectacular would have to find its way to me to be willing to disrupt my chaos. Not to mention, I just finished watching YOU on Netflix which has basically solidified my resolve to continue not dating.

At the end of the day, I’m still focusing on embracing who I am physically + mentally. I’m on a journey to love myself fully. Sometimes I’m good at this + sometimes I really suck at it. But I know who I am + that I am amazing. I’m only surrounding myself with people who see my worth.

What are you working on this year?
