Bachelor in Paradise | Aftermath of Hurricane DLo

[SPOILERS] So tonight we get to see the aftermath of Hurricane DLo + what happens when Sarah + Dominique arrive.

We’re all feeling sad for Kristina. Thankfully, though Dean doesn’t seem to be seeing what he’s doing to her, everyone else seems to be looking out for her. Sarah, a teacher from Nick’s season, descends the stairs in heels and the cutest romper/two piece romper-esque outfit (Girl what are you wearing + where can I get it?!), date card in hand. Hugs all around. Apparently Adam + Sarah got to know each other during the shut down. Raven gives Sarah her blessing to go on a date with Adam, but they all think Ben would be great for her. Poor Sarah is feeling overwhelmed. So she pulls Ben aside + and all we’re hearing about is Ben’s dog again.

“Choose a man for today’s date,” says the most generic date card ever. Sarah offers her date to Adam. Adam accepts without a glance at Raven. Was BIP always this conniving? I mean beyond Caila….

Adam just said Rachel’s name. This just turned into Ross + Emily’s wedding from Friends. So that’s awkward. But their “interrogation” is awkward but I’m here for how blunt Sarah is being. We establish that he typically jumps but the girl doesn’t + that he would have asked Sarah. And he kisses her. They dance at a cute club + the conversation is over.

Danielle M walks up to the bar + Wells ask if any girls would be good for him but then they make a pact that if they’re both still single in five years, they’ll date. Shoot with these Friends parallels. I need to get me a backup…

It’s the next day + everyone looks hungover. Lacey is so upset because no one is yet romantically interested in her. I feel ya girl. But Lacey just got a date card! This is a date with Jorge! Now we get to find out what a Tor-hey is! But now Lacey is interviewing guys trying to find someone who will want to go on a date with her + decides on Diggy. I can get behind it. But it must have been disgustingly hot because his facial expression did not match his “100% certainty” that he wanted to go on the date.

Jorge meets them with horses but neither Lacey or Diggy have ridden before. Jorge has promised to take them to the most romantic place in Mexico + I think this secluded beach fits the bill. Jorge pours them champagne + tells them that this beach is where he was conceived. My awkward-meter is through the roof. Jorge is just sitting there staring at them + Diggy kicks him out. Too funny. He shares he’s glad that she came back + their make out chemistry is definitely there.

We cut back to the resort to find Danielle M + Wells talking about how great they think the other is. Like duh. You guys would be perfect for each other. Danielle M tells Raven she thinks it’s time to leave because a) she hasn’t found anyone + b) her opportunity to serve in Africa came up during the break.

Lacey + Diggy come back from their date + everyone is screaming like someone just had their first kiss. But Dominique, the tropical princess arrives + Diggy lights up. No one can win except Taylor + DLo. Dominique is definitely here for Diggy + she has a date card. With Taylor as Dominique’s bff, Dominique is just going to flounce into Diggy’s arms. Lacey said it best “everyone needs to stop matchmaking for everyone.”

When Dominique invites Diggy on the date, Lacey walks away. Taylor reaches out + checks on her but I think Lacey will leave on her own. Diggy is so excited to be on this date with Dominique. He’s feeding her strawberries + soon is eating her face. They do seem to have chemistry so I wonder who of the men was picked  for Lacey.

We cut back to Danielle packing + saying goodbye to the rest of the contestants. Everyone is genuinely sad to see her go but they can’t wait for all of her upcoming opportunities in Kenya. Jasmine prompts her to say goodbye to Wells. The previews hint at them kissing. I’m waiting… Wells is so freaking excited for her! He offers to walk her out + takers her bag…+ I have the same one from Victoria’s Secret! #twinning. Kiss her, Wells! There we go! Outside the car + just as she leaves. Can they please announce their relationship now? Wells just stands there all stoic…

I’m not going to recap DeMario’s tell all. Just watch it yourself. I just am grateful to these people to standing up for both of their friends. The support is real + genuine despite Raven’s feelings toward him when he first arrived because of how he behaved on Rachel’s season.

We get to hear from Corinne next week. I’m really looking forward to that, but not fir girls to go home + the impending fight between Taylor + Derek.
