Wednesday Wisdom | “You did not wake up today to be mediocre.”

Today’s quote is courtesy of the lovely Lea Michele’s Instagram. She posted this on Sunday + when I saw it, I took a screenshot knowing it would be perfect for today. Why?

Life by Chellie goes live today! After two months of  brainstorming, long nights writing, early mornings trying to get the theme to be everything I want + more… This all becomes real. By the time you see this, my “Coming Soon Mode” will have been removed. This is what the past two months have led to. I’m scheduling this to post just before I launch.

In a few hours, a few of my friends will be meeting me downtown for a happy hour launch. It sounds silly but I don’t want to launch this on my own. Every day of the process that lead to this point I’ve felt far too mediocre. “I should just stick to my old blog,” I thought. “Surely that’s more my speed. That’s where I belong. Obscure. Unnoticed.” But thankfully I have friends who I’m not mediocre + don’t let me forget that. If I wasn’t launching with my friends, I don’t think I’d ever launch this. The women coming, though from different circles, have supported me through so many struggles + triumphs. It makes sense to ask them to be here for me through this, too.

So this morning when my alarms started at 4:00 instead of 5:00, the last thing I felt was mediocre because guess what? I’m not. I’m amazing + strong + intelligent with my own unique kind of beauty that the world deserves + needs just as much as the next woman with an idea. I am deserving of my platform, not because I am better, but because I acknowledge we are the same. I have something to offer as much as you have something to offer me. So with all of that in mind, I put on a new dress, heels + my glasses because just like anyone, something had to go wrong today. I’m not perfect + I never will be so I’m rocking the tortoiseshell specs with pride because I’m grateful I still have eyes to see with.

I hope my words, ideas, hopes + dreams inspire you in some way. I hope you enjoy what you read + come back for more. I have so much to say so I hope you’ll listen. Since I have hopes for you, I have hopes for me, too. I hope that nothing I give you is mediocre, just slapped on a page to have content posted. I will give this platform my heart for as long as I have readers + I am inspired. That said, I hope you enjoy what came before + what follows. Happy reading + remember, you are far from mediocre, so don’t live that way!
