Wednesday Wisdom | Be With Those Who Help Your Being

Happy Wednesday + Happy V. Day/Me Day, Life by Chellie readers! I hope you’re sharing + feeling the love. I’m wearing my favorite black heeled boots today + I always feel on top of my game + confident in these. Nothing is going to get in my way today!

As I scrolled through quotes upon quotes for today’s Wednesday Wisdom, I found this one + gosh this feels relevant to me lately. Over the last eight months I’ve really had to evaluate the company I keep. The people I was investing in weren’t investing back. It’s funny how good friends want to see you succeed + so do bad friends, as long as you’re not more successful than they are. I truly didn’t know how emotionally depleted I was until I stopped putting energy into others + was able to put that energy back into myself, my work + the people who care about me.

When I started this blog, I asked a woman I once called a friend for some help as I was trying to navigate this crazy world. For someone who was supposedly my friend, she couldn’t have cared less about helping me. She’d rather spend her time yelling at strangers at public events. On the flip side, I asked another blogger I follow on Instagram a question about a feature she has on her blog. It was just a yes or no question + she took the time to point me in the right direction. It’s shocking what that does for one’s self-esteem.

I made a new friend right around the time I was shuffling social priorities. In the five months we’ve been friends, we’ve seen each other through years’ worth of challenges: a sick parent, a breakup, confusing people who’ve been priorities, work stresses + more. I’m proud of who I’ve become in the last several months + I’m grateful to have added this friend to my other friends who build me up, listen to my fears, let me know when I’m being just a little too dramatic. I’m only interested in keeping this kind of person in my inner circle, the people I share my truest, most vulnerable self with.

People that make you the best version of yourself are so important to arm yourself with against this crazy world. Here’s hoping the people around you make you a better you today.
